GlaceEMR is our state-of-the-art certified EMR that makes clinical documentation and retrieval easy...
EMR has become an essential element in modern practice of medicine. Clinicians want to spend time on patients - not on documentation and endless clicking in EMR. Our approach on every feature is to minimize time and clicks while presenting relevant and meaningful information for decision making.
Custom templates, pre-filled re-usable templates, shortcuts, order-sets, and other features makes documentation a breeze.
We offer templates tailored to various specialties and customizable to your specific practice needs.
GlaceEMR is fully compliant with MIPS, MACRA, PCMH, ACO, HIE and other regulatory and quality programs. Integrated CCM and RPM modules available.
Our scheduler offers powerful and easy-to-use features that enable intelligent use of your clinical slots across various resources. Integrated with multi-channel appointment reminder system that reduces no-shows.
Clinical data from various sources including faxes, labs, medical devices, other providers, Rx history, state registries are integrated seamlessly and presented for your decision making.